Does Chronic Pain arise from an evolutionary mismatch?
Oliver Crossley Oliver Crossley

Does Chronic Pain arise from an evolutionary mismatch?

Similar to the problem of obesity arising in part because of the ease of accessible high-caloric foods, this pleasant privilege of resting and recovering as much as we like, may actually lead to us recovering slower or not at all. Thus contributing to the large prevalence of chronic pain we see around us today.

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‘Pain sensitivity is reduced by exercise training’ - A Meta-Analysis & Systematic Review
Chronic Pain Oliver Crossley Chronic Pain Oliver Crossley

‘Pain sensitivity is reduced by exercise training’ - A Meta-Analysis & Systematic Review

Exercise training is an important and effective treatment strategy for managing pain and disability for adults with chronic pain conditions. Whilst exercise training traditionally focused on improving strength and endurance, it is likely that the mechanism of action of exercise in improving chronic pain is not due to these musculoskeletal factors alone.

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